
I am enthusiastically looking to mentor postdocs interested in putting together funding applications for a diversity of projects. Potential funding is available from my start-up for the right person and project.

Avenues of funding for US citizens and residents:

Avenues of funding for foreign students:

Graduate Students

I am actively recruiting interested students to build my lab. Please reach out to me to see if the lab is a good fit for you and for discussing mechanisms for funding your degree and project.

M.S. Program in Bioinformatics at UNC Charlotte
Ph.D. Program in Bioinformatics and Computational Biology at UNC Charlotte

Obtaining a graduate degree is an enormous undertaking, and unfortunately fraught with problems that lead students into an oversaturated market. Most PhDs end up unemployed. At the same time, the growth of diversity remains relatively stagnant. I am hopeful this may change, but it also requires students to reflect deeply on their own goals. As your mentor, I want to not just have a lab of students to work to advance my own research program, but also to ensure that you are competent and independent and that you realize how your own strengths can be appreciated by the world at large. Sometimes this means realizing the PhD path and academia are not for you, and that is completely okay! Understand why you want to obtain your PhD and be able to verbalize this to yourself. Obtain a diverse set of skills that will make you marketable beyond the academic market.

Undergraduate Students

Undergraduate students interested in pursuing research in my lab are encouraged to contact me through e-mail with a paragraph on their career goals and a CV or resume.